Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Luggage & Packing

 I'm successfully packed, with the hopes that I'm not forgetting anything. And this is my gear for the next 3 months, including clothes, sunscreen, insect repellent, a tent, sleeping bag and sleeping pad not to mention mosquito netting, homestay gifts and various first aid supplies. I've never used an internal frame backpack before, but I really like it! It's immensely satisfying being able to carry everything I need- although I'm sure after any extended period of time carrying it, I may change my opinion somewhat.

Otherwise, not much else to report. My flight leaves in 8 hours, and after that I don't think I'll have much internet access for about a week.

Hopefully soon enough I'll have more exciting things to post about and share pictures of. Until then...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Link: National Geographic Article

Here's the link to an interesting Nationanl Geographic article that does a good job briefing the problems and complexities faced by Madagascar, for both it's natural resources and its people.

And if nothing else, the photos in the photo gallery are fascinating. The focus of this article is in a different region from where I will be, but many of the problems faced (economy and ecology in opposition) are themes throughout the country.

And I still haven't gone anywhere yet. I leave in just over 2 days!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


So, the following are pretty standard questions I've gotten from most people who I've told that I will be studying abroad in Madagascar this fall. While probably anyone reading this blog will have already had the opportunity to ask me these anyways, for the sake of making a post before I've actually gone anywhere, here are some FAQ's that I get:

 Why Madagascar?
I pretty much decided that I wanted to study abroad in Madagascar, soon after making the decision to go to OSU. In looking at the options offered by OSU's international program, my choices for programs including French language and an environmental emphasis were this program and one in France. So I chose Madagascar. 

Where is Madagascar?
Madagascar is a large island off the east coast of southern Africa, in the Indian Ocean. You can see it on the map below, about at the same latitude as Mozambique.
How long will you be gone?
The program goes from August 27th to December 9th. So about a semester/14 weeks.

What's the language there? 
French is one of Madagascar's official languages. There is also the local language, Malagasy, which I undoubtedly will be picking up (somewhat )during my time abroad. 

 What will you be doing there? 
That's kind of the purpose of this blog. I know I'll be doing studies and an independent study project, and I have some vague ideas about what I'll be doing, based on SIT's descriptions of the program- but overall, I won't know the entirety of this experience until it happens.