Monday, October 11, 2010

Sifakas, Mouse lemurs and more...

Sifaka in action

So this is definitely a little late on posting, we did our "lemur ecology unit" several weeks ago, but I'm now enjoying a favorable internet connection and figured out how to change the keyboard into english settings so I can type here at this Cyber cafe in Tulear. We did most of our "studies" on the sifaka lemur, which is one of the larger species still existing today. The area where we found the lemurs was definitely not in how one envisions finding lemurs in Madagascar. We were in dry spiny forest, with these really cool trees- the forest definitely earns the name "spiny". It got pretty hot during the days, but was pleasant at night. We also did a night walk and got to see some of the nocturnal mouse lemurs in action. Seeing lemurs definitely gave that  "I'm in Madagascar" concreteness to the experience. I have a lot more pictures (as usual) but not enough time/patience to post them. Right now I'm in Tulear (Southwest coast) for the week, and then we're doing some more travelling after. Until next time!

Nocturnal mouse lemur, caught resting

Ifotaka spiny forest sunset

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